Friday, April 17, 2015

    My Irrational Wishes

  1. Wanting to meet the cast of Sherlock.
  2. And the cast of the Avengers.
  3. And Thor
  4. Wanting to be in a Marvel movie.
  5. Wishing that I could have purple eyes.
  6. A dapple-grey horse named Fred.
  7. And A cat named Lokitty, with green eyes and smoke-like fur.
  8. To be really smart all the time. ALL THE TIME.
  9. That my brothers didn't have an irrational love for spiders. 
  10. That all high heels are comfortable. 


    So, my siblings figured out that I would rather have plain dark chocolate to eat rather than Oreos, and...They almost killed me, they were all like-

        The Bored Book List. (Because everyone needs one.)

  1.  Lord of The Rings, anything by Tolkien.
  2. The Fault in Our Stars, by John Green.
  3. Unbroken, Laura Hillenbrand
  4. All the Redwall series by Brian Jacques. 
  5. The Eragon series by Christopher Paolini.
  6. Anything by Shakespeare, duh. (I should have put this first.) 
  7. Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen
  8. The Great Gatsby.         
(I'm not going to type the author's name in anymore, because I'm lazy.YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.)

9. Les Miserables 
10. Coraline. (Don't judge me, but it gets really  pretty scary at the end with the hand and-(Sorry, spoilers.) 
11. Sherlock Holmes, by Sir Conan Doyle. (Some of it is politically incorrect, but, seriously, who cares?)
12. The Hunger Games. (To be honest, I think it could have been better if it was written differently, but the story is amazing! Plus, it's a super easy read.)
13. To Kill a Mockingbird

Okay! I left out a lot of good books, but I'll update later, and also, try reading plays, they're pretty good )Most of the time.)- And fun to read! 
